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HTML rb tag

Posted in HTML Tutorial
Updated on May 17, 2024
By Mari Selvan
👁️ 22 - Views
⏳ 4 mins
💬 0
HTML rb tag

Photo Credit to CodeToFun

🙋 Introduction

In the landscape of HTML markup, the <rb> tag plays a specific role in defining ruby annotations within text.

This guide aims to elucidate the functionality and implementation of the <rb> tag for web developers.

🤔 What is <rb> Tag?

The <rb> tag, short for "ruby base," is utilized in conjunction with the <ruby> element to denote the base text component of a ruby annotation. Ruby annotations are typically used in East Asian typography to add pronunciation or translation hints to characters.

🚫 Deprecated Status:

The <rb> tag is deprecated in HTML5 and is not supported for use in modern web development practices. Instead, the <ruby> element is recommended for defining ruby annotations, with the <rb> functionality implicitly applied to the base text.

💡 Syntax

As the <rb> tag is deprecated, it's essential to understand its syntax within the context of historical HTML versions:

Copy To Clipboard
<rb>Your Ruby Base Text</rb>

🧰 Attributes

Although deprecated, the <rb> tag does not support any specific attributes in HTML.

📚 Common Use Cases

The <rb> tag was primarily employed in conjunction with the <ruby> element to provide ruby annotations in East Asian typography. However, due to its deprecated status, its usage is not recommended in modern HTML development.

🖥️ Browser Support

Since the <rb> tag is deprecated, its browser support is limited and may vary. It's advisable to avoid using this tag in favor of modern alternatives to ensure consistent rendering across different browsers.

  • Google Chrome: Not supported.
  • Mozilla Firefox: Not supported.
  • Microsoft Edge: Not supported.
  • Safari: Not supported.
  • Opera: Not supported.
  • Internet Explorer: Not supported.

Ensure you test your code in various browsers to guarantee a seamless experience for your audience.

🏆 Best Practices

As <rb> is deprecated, the best practice is to avoid its usage altogether. Instead, utilize the <ruby> element for defining ruby annotations in compliance with modern HTML standards.

🔄 Alternatives

Given the deprecated status of the <rb> tag, it's crucial to explore alternative methods for achieving ruby annotations. The <ruby> element, along with its associated elements <rt> (ruby text) and <rp> (ruby parentheses), provides a robust solution for annotating text in East Asian typography.

🎉 Conclusion

While the <rb> tag served a specific purpose in historical HTML versions, its deprecated status in HTML5 necessitates a shift towards modern markup practices.

By understanding its historical context and embracing alternative elements like <ruby>, web developers can ensure their markup adheres to current standards and maintains compatibility across browsers.

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👋 Hey, I'm Mari Selvan

For over eight years, I worked as a full-stack web developer. Now, I have chosen my profession as a full-time blogger at

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