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SVG Line

Posted in SVG Tutorial
Updated on Nov 22, 2024
By Mari Selvan
👁️ 160 - Views
⏳ 4 mins
💬 1 Comment
SVG Line

Photo Credit to CodeToFun

🙋 Introduction

In Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), lines are fundamental primitives used to create various shapes, patterns, and visual elements. Understanding how to create and manipulate lines in SVG is essential for web developers and designers alike.

This guide will provide an overview of the syntax, attributes, and usage of SVG lines.

💡 Syntax

To create a line in SVG, you use the <line> element, which is a self-contained tag that defines the characteristics of the line. Here's the basic structure:

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  <line x1="x1-coordinate" y1="y1-coordinate" x2="x2-coordinate" y2="y2-coordinate" />

🧰 Attributes

  • x1, y1: Specifies the starting point of the line.
  • x2, y2: Specifies the ending point of the line.
  • Additional attributes like stroke, stroke-width, and stroke-dasharray can be used to style the line.

📄 Example

Let's create a simple SVG line:

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<svg width="200" height="200">
  <line x1="50" y1="50" x2="150" y2="150" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" />

🧠 How it works?

In this example, we've defined a line starting at (50, 50) and ending at (150, 150) with a black color and a stroke width of 2 units.

🎉 Conclusion

SVG lines are versatile elements that allow for the creation of various visual effects and shapes on the web.

By mastering their syntax, attributes, and usage, you can leverage them effectively in your projects to enhance the graphical representation and interactivity of your content.

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👋 Hey, I'm Mari Selvan

For over eight years, I worked as a full-stack web developer. Now, I have chosen my profession as a full-time blogger at

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