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Lodash _.templateSettings.escape Property

Posted in lodash Tutorial
Updated on Oct 18, 2024
By Mari Selvan
👁️ 36 - Views
⏳ 4 mins
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Lodash _.templateSettings.escape Property

Photo Credit to CodeToFun

🙋 Introduction

In the landscape of JavaScript programming, template engines play a crucial role in generating dynamic content. Lodash, a popular utility library, offers a robust templating solution through its _.template() function. Central to this functionality is the _.templateSettings.escape property, which controls the escaping of HTML entities within templates.

Understanding and properly configuring this property is essential for building secure and reliable applications.

🧠 Understanding _.templateSettings.escape

The _.templateSettings.escape property in Lodash determines the default escape function used in templates. When rendering templates with variables that may contain HTML content, escaping prevents XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) attacks by encoding special characters. By customizing _.templateSettings.escape, developers can tailor the escaping behavior to suit their specific needs.

💡 Syntax

The syntax for the _.templateSettings.escape property is straightforward:

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_.templateSettings.escape = escapeFunction;
  • escapeFunction: The escape function to use for rendering templates.

📝 Example

Let's dive into a simple example to illustrate the usage of the _.templateSettings.escape property:

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const _ = require('lodash');

// Define a custom escape function
const customEscapeFunction = str => {
  // Implement custom escaping logic here
  return str.toUpperCase();

// Assign the custom escape function to _.templateSettings.escape
_.templateSettings.escape = customEscapeFunction;

// Create a template
const template = _.template('<p><%= data %></p>');

// Render the template with escaped data
const renderedTemplate = template({
  data: '<script>alert("XSS attack!")</script>'

// Output: <p><SCRIPT>ALERT("XSS ATTACK!")</SCRIPT></p>

In this example, the custom escape function customEscapeFunction is defined to convert all characters to uppercase for demonstration purposes. This function is then assigned to _.templateSettings.escape, ensuring that all variables in the template are escaped using this custom logic.

🏆 Best Practices

When working with the _.templateSettings.escape property, consider the following best practices:

  1. Understand XSS Vulnerabilities:

    Familiarize yourself with XSS vulnerabilities and the importance of escaping HTML entities to prevent malicious attacks.

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    // Incorrect usage without escaping
    const vulnerableTemplate = _.template('<p><%= data %></p>');
    const vulnerableOutput = vulnerableTemplate({ data: '<script>alert("XSS attack!")</script>' });
    // Output: <p><script>alert("XSS attack!")</script></p> // XSS vulnerability
  2. Customize Escape Function:

    Tailor the escape function to match the requirements of your application, considering factors such as the level of escaping needed and any special characters to handle.

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    // Define a custom escape function to use only HTML entities
    const htmlEscapeFunction = str => {
      return _.escape(str); // Utilize Lodash's built-in escaping function
    // Assign the custom escape function to _.templateSettings.escape
    _.templateSettings.escape = htmlEscapeFunction;
  3. Test for Security:

    Regularly test your templates for security vulnerabilities, especially when dealing with user-generated content or inputs.

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    // Test template rendering with potentially harmful data
    const potentiallyHarmfulData = '<img src="invalid-image" onerror="alert(\'XSS attack!\')">'; // Example of potential XSS attack
    const renderedTemplate = _.template('<p><%= data %></p>')({ data: potentiallyHarmfulData });
    // Output: <p><img src="invalid-image" onerror="alert('XSS attack!')"></p> // Escaped to prevent XSS

📚 Use Cases

  1. Rendering User-Generated Content:

    When rendering user-generated content within templates, it's crucial to properly escape HTML entities to prevent XSS vulnerabilities.

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    const userGeneratedData = /* ...fetch user-generated content... */;
    const template = _.template('<div><%= data %></div>');
    // Assigning a default escape function to ensure user-generated content is safely rendered
    _.templateSettings.escape = _.escape;
    const renderedTemplate = template({ data: userGeneratedData });
  2. Embedding External Data:

    When embedding external data into templates, ensure that appropriate escaping mechanisms are in place to handle special characters.

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    const externalData = /* ...fetch external data... */;
    const template = _.template('<p><%= data %></p>');
    // Assigning a custom escape function to handle special characters in external data
    _.templateSettings.escape = customEscapeFunction;
    const renderedTemplate = template({ data: externalData });

🎉 Conclusion

The _.templateSettings.escape property in Lodash empowers developers to control the escaping of HTML entities within templates, mitigating the risk of XSS vulnerabilities. By understanding the nuances of this property and implementing best practices for template rendering, you can build secure and robust applications that safely handle dynamic content.

By adhering to best practices and exploring diverse use cases, you can harness the full potential of the _.templateSettings.escape property in your Lodash projects.

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👋 Hey, I'm Mari Selvan

For over eight years, I worked as a full-stack web developer. Now, I have chosen my profession as a full-time blogger at

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