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Lodash _.delay() Function Method

Posted in lodash Tutorial
Updated on Mar 11, 2024
By Mari Selvan
👁️ 48 - Views
⏳ 4 mins
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Lodash _.delay() Function Method

Photo Credit to CodeToFun

🙋 Introduction

In the dynamic world of JavaScript, timing is often critical. Whether you're working with animations, asynchronous operations, or simply want to introduce delays in your code execution, the _.delay() function method in Lodash can be a valuable tool.

This method allows you to defer the execution of a function, enhancing control over the flow of your code.

🧠 Understanding _.delay() Method

The _.delay() function in Lodash is designed to postpone the execution of a given function by a specified duration. This can be particularly useful in scenarios where you need to introduce delays between operations or when dealing with asynchronous tasks.

💡 Syntax

The syntax for the _.delay() method is straightforward:

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_.delay(func, wait, [args])
  • func: The function to delay.
  • wait: The number of milliseconds to delay the function execution.
  • args (Optional): Arguments to pass to the function.

📝 Example

Let's dive into a simple example to illustrate the usage of the _.delay() method:

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const _ = require('lodash');

function greet(name) {
    console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`);

// Delay execution of the greet function by 2000 milliseconds (2 seconds)
_.delay(greet, 2000, 'John');

In this example, the greet function is delayed by 2000 milliseconds, and it will be invoked with the argument 'John' after the specified delay.

🏆 Best Practices

When working with the _.delay() method, consider the following best practices:

  1. Proper Function Binding:

    Ensure that the function passed to _.delay() is properly bound if it relies on this context. This ensures that the function behaves as expected when executed after the delay.

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    const _ = require('lodash');
    const obj = {
        name: 'Alice',
        greet: function () {
            console.log(`Hello, ${}!`);
    // Incorrect: The function loses its context
    _.delay(obj.greet, 2000);
    // Correct: Ensure proper binding
    _.delay(obj.greet.bind(obj), 2000);
  2. Use Arrow Functions for Lexical Scoping:

    When using functions that rely on lexical scoping, consider using arrow functions to preserve the context.

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    const _ = require('lodash');
    const obj = {
        name: 'Bob',
        greet: function () {
            _.delay(() => {
                console.log(`Hello, ${}!`);
            }, 2000);
  3. Handle Potential Edge Cases:

    Consider potential edge cases, such as delays with very short intervals or negative delays. Understanding the behavior in such cases is crucial for proper usage.

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    const _ = require('lodash');
    // Delay with a very short interval (not recommended)
    _.delay(() => console.log('Delayed!'), 1);
    // Negative delay (executes immediately)
    _.delay(() => console.log('Negative Delay!'), -1000);

📚 Use Cases

  1. User Feedback in UI:

    Introduce delays to provide user feedback in the UI. For example, displaying a success message for a few seconds before hiding it.

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    const _ = require('lodash');
    function showSuccessMessage(message) {
        console.log(`Success: ${message}`);
    function hideSuccessMessage() {
        console.log('Hiding success message');
    // Display success message and hide it after 3000 milliseconds (3 seconds)
    showSuccessMessage('Task completed successfully');
    _.delay(hideSuccessMessage, 3000);
  2. Debouncing User Input:

    Use _.delay() in combination with user input to debounce function calls. This is beneficial when dealing with rapid user input, such as in search boxes.

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    const _ = require('lodash');
    function performSearch(query) {
        // Perform search operation with the provided query
        console.log(`Searching for: ${query}`);
    // Delay search execution by 1000 milliseconds (1 second) after user stops typing
    const debounceSearch = _.debounce(performSearch, 1000);
    // Simulate user input
    _.delay(() => debounceSearch('Lodash'), 1500);
  3. Asynchronous Operations:

    Integrate delays when dealing with asynchronous operations to control the timing of function executions.

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    const _ = require('lodash');
    function fetchData() {
        // Simulate fetching data asynchronously
        return new Promise(resolve => {
            _.delay(() => {
                resolve({ data: 'Fetched data' });
            }, 2000);
    async function processFetchedData() {
        const result = await fetchData();

🎉 Conclusion

The _.delay() function method in Lodash is a versatile tool for introducing delays in JavaScript code. Whether you're enhancing user experience in the UI, debouncing user input, or managing asynchronous operations, _.delay() provides a straightforward way to control the timing of function executions.

By adhering to best practices and exploring diverse use cases, you can harness the full potential of the _.delay() method in your Lodash projects.

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👋 Hey, I'm Mari Selvan

For over eight years, I worked as a full-stack web developer. Now, I have chosen my profession as a full-time blogger at

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