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jQuery error Event

Posted in jQuery Tutorial
Updated on May 15, 2024
By Mari Selvan
👁️ 33 - Views
⏳ 4 mins
💬 1 Comment
jQuery error Event

Photo Credit to CodeToFun

🙋 Introduction

In web development, errors are inevitable, and handling them gracefully is crucial for providing a seamless user experience. jQuery provides a mechanism to handle errors through the error event. However, it's important to note that the .error() method has been deprecated, and the recommended approach is to use .on() instead.

In this guide, we'll explore the jQuery error event, its syntax using .on(), and how you can effectively manage errors in your web applications.

🧠 Understanding error Event

The error event in jQuery is triggered when an error occurs during the loading of an external resource, such as an image, script, or stylesheet. This event allows you to execute custom code to handle the error appropriately, whether it's displaying a fallback content or logging the error for debugging purposes.

💡 Syntax

The syntax for the error event is straightforward:

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$(selector).on("error", function(event) {
  // Handle error

📝 Example

  1. Handling Image Loading Errors:

    Suppose you have an <img> element with a specific ID, and you want to handle any errors that occur during its loading:

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    <img src="invalid_path.jpg" id="image" alt="Image">
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    $("#image").on("error", function() {
      $(this).attr("src", "fallback_image.jpg");

    In this example, if the image fails to load due to an invalid path, the error event will be triggered, and the image source will be replaced with a fallback image.

  2. Logging Script Loading Errors:

    You can also log errors that occur during the loading of external scripts for debugging purposes:

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    <script src="invalid_script.js"></script>
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    $("script").on("error", function(event) {
      console.error("Script loading error:",;

    This code snippet logs an error message along with the URL of the script that failed to load.

  3. Handling CSS Loading Errors:

    Similarly, you can handle errors that occur when loading external CSS stylesheets:

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    <link rel="stylesheet" href="invalid_styles.css">
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    $("link[rel='stylesheet']").on("error", function(event) {
      console.error("Stylesheet loading error:",;

    Here, any errors during the loading of CSS stylesheets will be logged to the console.

🎉 Conclusion

The jQuery error event, although deprecated in favor of .on(), remains a valuable tool for handling errors in web development. By using .on() to bind event handlers, you can effectively manage errors occurring during the loading of external resources and ensure a smoother user experience.

Whether it's displaying fallback content, logging errors for debugging, or implementing alternative strategies, leveraging the error event empowers you to create more robust and resilient web applications.

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👋 Hey, I'm Mari Selvan

For over eight years, I worked as a full-stack web developer. Now, I have chosen my profession as a full-time blogger at

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