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Sass selector-parse() Function

Posted in Sass Tutorial
Updated on Sep 30, 2024
By Mari Selvan
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Sass selector-parse() Function

Photo Credit to CodeToFun

🙋 Introduction

The selector-parse() function in Sass is a specialized tool that allows developers to convert a string of text into a list of simple selectors or a complex selector.

This function is particularly useful when you need to dynamically manipulate selectors within your stylesheets.

Whether you're working with advanced theming, building component libraries, or handling complex CSS structures, selector-parse() provides a robust way to work with selectors as data.

💡 Syntax

The selector-parse() function takes a single string argument and returns a list of selectors or a complex selector.

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đŸ”ĸ Parameters

  • $selector: This is the string of the selector that you wish to parse into a list or complex selector.

↩ī¸ Return Value

The function returns a list of simple selectors or a complex selector, which can be further manipulated or used within your Sass code.

📝 Example Usage

Let's explore some examples to better understand how the selector-parse() function can be applied.

📜 Example 1: Parsing a Simple Selector

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$parsed-selector: selector-parse('.my-class');

@each $sel in $parsed-selector {
  .parsed-#{$sel} {
    content: 'Parsed: #{$sel}';

In this example, the string '.my-class' is parsed into a list of simple selectors. The resulting list can be iterated over, allowing for dynamic generation of CSS rules.

📜 Example 2: Parsing a Complex Selector

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$complex-selector: selector-parse('.nav > ul');

@each $sel in $complex-selector {
  .component-#{$sel} {
    color: blue;

Here, a more complex selector is parsed and used to generate new styles. This is particularly useful when you want to apply styles based on existing complex selectors.

📜 Example 3: Combining Selectors Dynamically

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$base-selector: '.base';
$modifier: selector-parse('&.modifier');

.new-selector {
  @extend #{$base-selector};
  @extend #{$modifier};
  background-color: yellow;

This example shows how selector-parse() can be used to dynamically combine selectors, making it easier to work with modifier classes and variations.

🎉 Conclusion

The selector-parse() function in Sass is a powerful tool for developers who need to manipulate CSS selectors programmatically. By converting selector strings into lists or complex selectors, this function enables more dynamic and flexible stylesheet creation. Whether you're dealing with advanced theming, reusable components, or complex CSS architectures, selector-parse() can help streamline your workflow and enhance your control over selectors.

Understanding how to use selector-parse() effectively can lead to more maintainable and scalable CSS code, especially in large projects where selector management is crucial. Experiment with different selectors and see how this function can simplify your CSS development process.

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👋 Hey, I'm Mari Selvan

For over eight years, I worked as a full-stack web developer. Now, I have chosen my profession as a full-time blogger at

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