Sass Topics
- Sass Introduction
- Sass Installation
- Sass Nested Rules and Properties
- Sass Variables
- Sass @ Rules
- Sass Flow Control
- Sass Operators
- Sass Comments
- Sass Color Functions
- Sass Selector Functions
- Sass Introspection Functions
- Sass Map Functions
- Sass List Functions
- Sass Numeric Functions
- Sass String Functions
Sass map-keys() Function

Photo Credit to CodeToFun
π Introduction
The map-keys()
function in Sass is an essential tool for working with maps. Maps in Sass are collections of key-value pairs, similar to associative arrays in other programming languages.
The map-keys()
function allows you to extract all the keys from a given map, making it easier to iterate over them or perform other operations.
π‘ Syntax
The syntax for the map-keys()
function is simple:
π’ Parameters
- $map: The input map containing key-value pairs from which you wish to extract the keys.
β©οΈ Return Value
The function returns a list of all the keys in the provided map. If the map is empty, it returns an empty list.
π Example Usage
Letβs explore some examples to understand how map-keys()
can be used effectively in Sass.
π Example 1: Basic Usage
$colors: (
primary: #ff0000,
secondary: #00ff00,
accent: #0000ff,
$color-keys: map-keys($colors);
body {
@each $key in $color-keys {
.#{$key} {
color: map-get($colors, $key);
In this example, the map-keys()
function extracts the keys from the $colors map (primary, secondary, accent). The @each loop then creates classes for each color key with the corresponding color value.
π Example 2: Using Map Keys in Functions
$breakpoints: (
small: 600px,
medium: 900px,
large: 1200px,
@mixin respond-to($size) {
@if map-has-key($breakpoints, $size) {
@media (min-width: map-get($breakpoints, $size)) {
$breakpoint-keys: map-keys($breakpoints);
@each $key in $breakpoint-keys {
.container-#{$key} {
@include respond-to($key) {
width: 100%;
In this example, map-keys()
is used to extract breakpoint keys (small, medium, large) from the $breakpoints map. The mixin respond-to() then applies media queries based on these keys.
π Example 3: Iterating Over Nested Maps
$theme: (
colors: (
background: #ffffff,
text: #333333,
fonts: (
primary: 'Arial, sans-serif',
secondary: 'Georgia, serif',
@each $category, $map in $theme {
@each $key in map-keys($map) {
.#{$category}-#{$key} {
// Custom styles based on the key
This example demonstrates how to iterate over keys within nested maps. The map-keys()
function is used to extract keys from maps within the $theme map, allowing for the creation of class names like .colors-background, .fonts-primary, etc.
π Conclusion
The map-keys()
function is a valuable asset when working with maps in Sass. It allows you to easily retrieve all keys from a map, enabling more dynamic and flexible stylesheets. Whether you're building a complex theming system, generating utility classes, or managing responsive design breakpoints, map-keys()
simplifies the process of working with maps.
Understanding how to leverage map-keys()
will enhance your ability to create modular and maintainable styles in Sass, making your CSS code more efficient and adaptable to changes.
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