jQuery Basic
jQuery Ajax Events
- jQuery ajaxComplete
- jQuery ajaxError
- jQuery ajaxSend
- jQuery ajaxStart
- jQuery ajaxStop
- jQuery ajaxSuccess
jQuery Ajax Methods
- jQuery .ajaxComplete()
- jQuery .ajaxError()
- jQuery .ajaxSend()
- jQuery .ajaxStart()
- jQuery .ajaxStop()
- jQuery .ajaxSuccess()
- jQuery jQuery.ajax()
- jQuery jQuery.ajaxPrefilter()
- jQuery jQuery.ajaxSetup()
- jQuery jQuery.ajaxTransport()
- jQuery .get()
- jQuery jQuery.getJSON()
- jQuery jQuery.param()
- jQuery jQuery.post()
- jQuery .load()
- jQuery .serialize()
- jQuery .serializeArray()
jQuery Keyboard Events
jQuery Keyboard Methods
jQuery Form Events
jQuery Form Methods
- jQuery .blur()
- jQuery .change()
- jQuery .focus()
- jQuery .focusin()
- jQuery .focusout()
- jQuery .select()
- jQuery .submit()
jQuery Mouse Event
- jQuery click
- jQuery contextmenu
- jQuery dblclick
- jQuery mousedown
- jQuery mouseenter
- jQuery mouseleave
- jQuery mousemove
- jQuery mouseout
- jQuery mouseover
- jQuery mouseup
jQuery Mouse Methods
- jQuery .click()
- jQuery .contextmenu()
- jQuery .dblclick()
- jQuery .hover()
- jQuery .mousedown()
- jQuery .mouseenter()
- jQuery .mouseleave()
- jQuery .mousemove()
- jQuery .mouseout()
- jQuery .mouseover()
- jQuery .mouseup()
- jQuery .toggle()
jQuery Event Object
- jQuery .bind()
- jQuery currentTarget
- jQuery data
- jQuery .delegate()
- jQuery delegateTarget
- jQuery .die()
- jQuery error
- jQuery .live()
- jQuery .off()
- jQuery .on()
- jQuery .one()
- jQuery isDefaultPrevented()
- jQuery isImmediatePropagationStopped()
- jQuery isPropagationStopped()
- jQuery metakey
- jQuery namespace
- jQuery pageX
- jQuery pageY
- jQuery preventDefault()
- jQuery relatedTarget
- jQuery resize
- jQuery result
- jQuery scroll()
- jQuery stopImmediatePropagation()
- jQuery stopPropagation()
- jQuery target
- jQuery timeStamp
- jQuery .trigger()
- jQuery .triggerHandler()
- jQuery type
- jQuery .unbind()
- jQuery .undelegate()
- jQuery which
jQuery Fading
jQuery Document Loading
- jQuery jQuery.error()
- jQuery .getScript()
- jQuery jQuery.holdReady()
- jQuery jQuery.ready
- jQuery load
- jQuery .ready()
- jQuery unload
- jQuery .unload()
jQuery Traversing
- jQuery .add()
- jQuery .addBack()
- jQuery .andSelf()
- jQuery .children()
- jQuery .closest()
- jQuery .contents()
- jQuery .each()
- jQuery .end()
- jQuery .eq()
- jQuery .even()
- jQuery .filter()
- jQuery .find()
- jQuery .first()
- jQuery .has()
- jQuery .is()
- jQuery .last()
- jQuery .map()
- jQuery .next()
- jQuery .nextAll()
- jQuery .nextUntil()
- jQuery .not()
- jQuery .odd()
- jQuery .offsetParent()
- jQuery .parent()
- jQuery .parents()
- jQuery .parentsUntil()
- jQuery .prev()
- jQuery .prevAll()
- jQuery .prevUntil()
- jQuery .siblings()
- jQuery .slice()
jQuery Utilities
- jQuery .clearQueue()
- jQuery .dequeue()
- jQuery jQuery.contains()
- jQuery jQuery.data()
- jQuery jQuery.dequeue()
- jQuery jQuery.each()
- jQuery jQuery.extend()
- jQuery jQuery.fn.extend()
- jQuery jQuery.globalEval()
- jQuery jQuery.grep()
- jQuery jQuery.inArray()
- jQuery jQuery.isArray()
- jQuery jQuery.isEmptyObject()
- jQuery jQuery.isFunction()
- jQuery jQuery.isNumeric()
- jQuery jQuery.isPlainObject()
- jQuery jQuery.isWindow()
- jQuery jQuery.isXMLDoc()
- jQuery jQuery.makeArray()
- jQuery jQuery.map()
- jQuery jQuery.merge()
- jQuery jQuery.noop()
- jQuery jQuery.now()
- jQuery jQuery.parseHTML()
- jQuery jQuery.parseJSON()
- jQuery jQuery.parseXML()
- jQuery jQuery.proxy()
- jQuery jQuery.queue()
- jQuery jQuery.removeData()
- jQuery jQuery.support
- jQuery jQuery.trim()
- jQuery jQuery.type()
- jQuery jQuery.unique()
- jQuery jQuery.uniqueSort()
- jQuery .queue()
- jQuery .uniqueSort()
jQuery Property
jQuery HTML
- jQuery .after()
- jQuery .append()
- jQuery .appendTo()
- jQuery .attr()
- jQuery .before()
- jQuery .clone()
- jQuery .data()
- jQuery .detach()
- jQuery .empty()
- jQuery .hasData()
- jQuery .html()
- jQuery .htmlPrefilter()
- jQuery .index()
- jQuery .insertAfter()
- jQuery .insertBefore()
- jQuery .prepend()
- jQuery .prependTo()
- jQuery .prop()
- jQuery .pushStack()
- jQuery .remove()
- jQuery .removeAttr()
- jQuery .removeData()
- jQuery .removeProp()
- jQuery .replaceAll()
- jQuery .replaceWith()
- jQuery .size()
- jQuery .text()
- jQuery .toArray()
- jQuery .unwrap()
- jQuery .val()
- jQuery .wrap()
- jQuery .wrapAll()
- jQuery .wrapInner()
jQuery CSS
- jQuery .addClass()
- jQuery .animate()
- jQuery .css()
- jQuery .delay()
- jQuery .finish()
- jQuery .hasClass()
- jQuery .height()
- jQuery .hide()
- jQuery .innerHeight()
- jQuery .innerWidth()
- jQuery jQuery.cssHooks
- jQuery jQuery.cssNumber
- jQuery jQuery.escapeSelector()
- jQuery .offset()
- jQuery .outerHeight()
- jQuery .outerWidth()
- jQuery .position()
- jQuery .removeClass()
- jQuery .resize()
- jQuery .scroll()
- jQuery .scrollLeft()
- jQuery .scrollTop()
- jQuery .show()
- jQuery .slideDown()
- jQuery .slideToggle()
- jQuery .slideUp()
- jQuery .stop()
- jQuery .sub()
- jQuery .toggleClass()
- jQuery .width()
jQuery Miscellaneous
jQuery .on() Method
Photo Credit to CodeToFun
🙋 Introduction
jQuery is renowned for its simplicity and power in handling DOM manipulation and event handling. Among its plethora of methods, the .on()
method stands out as a versatile tool for attaching event handlers to elements, including those dynamically created. Understanding and mastering this method can significantly streamline your event handling code and make your web applications more efficient.
In this guide, we'll explore the jQuery .on()
method in detail, providing examples to illustrate its usage and benefits.
🧠 Understanding .on() Method
The .on()
method in jQuery is used to attach one or more event handlers for specified elements, or to a selected set of elements that match the selector, now or in the future.
💡 Syntax
The syntax for the .on()
method is straightforward:
$(selector).on(event, childSelector, data, handler);
- event: A string containing one or more DOM event types, such as
. - childSelector (optional): A string containing a selector expression to match the child elements to which the event delegation should be attached.
- data (optional): Any data that needs to be passed to the event handler.
- handler: A function to execute when the event is triggered.
📝 Example
Basic Usage:
Attaching a click event handler to all paragraphs:
example.jsCopied$("p").on("click", function() { alert("Paragraph clicked!"); });
Event Delegation:
Using event delegation to attach a click event handler to all paragraphs inside a div with the ID container:
example.jsCopied$("#container").on("click", "p", function() { alert("Paragraph inside container clicked!"); });
Handling Data with Event:
Passing data to the event handler:
example.jsCopied$("button").on("click", { foo: "bar" }, function(event) { alert("Data passed: " + event.data.foo); });
Dynamic Elements:
Attaching events to dynamically created elements:
example.jsCopied$("body").on("click", "button", function() { alert("Button clicked!"); });
Unbinding Events:
Removing event handlers using .off() method:
Namespaced Events:
Using namespaced events for better organization and unbinding:
$("button").on("click.myNamespace", function() {
alert("Button clicked!");
To unbind just this specific event, use:
🎉 Conclusion
The jQuery .on()
method is a powerful tool for event handling in web development. Whether you need to attach event handlers to existing elements, handle events on dynamically created elements, delegate events, or pass data to event handlers, .on()
provides a flexible and efficient solution.
By mastering its usage and understanding its nuances, you can write cleaner, more organized, and more maintainable code for your web applications.
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