HTML Topics
- HTML Intro
- HTML Basic
- HTML Editors
- HTML Tags
- HTML Deprecated Tags
- HTML Events
- HTML Event Attributes
- HTML Global Attributes
- HTML Attributes
- abbr
- accept
- accept-charset
- accesskey
- action
- align
- alt
- archive
- as
- async
- autocapitalize
- autocomplete
- autofocus
- autoplay
- axis
- bgcolor
- border
- cellpadding
- cellspacing
- char
- charoff
- charset
- checked
- cite
- class
- classid
- codebase
- codetype
- color
- cols
- colspan
- compact
- content
- contenteditable
- controls
- coords
- crossorigin
- data
- data-*
- datetime
- declare
- default
- defer
- dir
- dirname
- disabled
- download
- draggable
- enctype
- enterkeyhint
- for
- form
- formaction
- formenctype
- formmethod
- formnovalidate
- formtarget
- frame
- frameborder
- frameset
- headers
- height
- hidden
- high
- href
- hreflang
- hspace
- http-equiv
- id
- inert
- inputmode
- ismap
- kind
- label
- lang
- list
- loop
- low
- max
- maxlength
- media
- method
- min
- multiple
- muted
- name
- novalidate
- onabort
- onafterprint
- onbeforeprint
- onbeforeunload
- onblur
- oncanplay
- oncanplaythrough
- onchange
- onclick
- oncontextmenu
- oncopy
- oncuechange
- oncut
- ondblclick
- ondrag
- ondragend
- ondragenter
- ondragleave
- ondragover
- ondragstart
- ondrop
- ondurationchange
- onemptied
- onended
- onerror
- onfocus
- onhashchange
- oninput
- oninvalid
- onkeydown
- onkeypress
- onkeyup
- onload
- onloadeddata
- onloadedmetadata
- onloadstart
- onmousedown
- onmousemove
- onmouseout
- onmouseover
- onmouseup
- onmousewheel
- onoffline
- ononline
- onpagehide
- onpageshow
- onpaste
- onpause
- onplay
- onplaying
- onpopstate
- onprogress
- onratechange
- onreset
- onresize
- onscroll
- onsearch
- onseeked
- onseeking
- onselect
- onstalled
- onstorage
- onsubmit
- onsuspend
- ontimeupdate
- ontoggle
- onunload
- onvolumechange
- onwaiting
- onwheel
- open
- optimum
- pattern
- placeholder
- popover
- popovertarget
- popovertargetaction
- poster
- preload
- readonly
- rel
- required
- reversed
- rows
- rowspan
- sandbox
- scope
- selected
- shape
- size
- sizes
- span
- spellcheck
- src
- srcdoc
- srclang
- srcset
- start
- step
- style
- tabindex
- target
- title
- translate
- type
- usemap
- value
- width
- wrap
- HTML Comments
- HTML Entity
- HTML Head
- HTML Form
- HTML IndexedDB
- HTML Drag & Drop
- HTML Geolocation
- HTML Canvas
- HTML Status Code
- HTML Language Code
- HTML Country Code
- HTML Charset
- MIME Types
HTML xmlns Attribute

Photo Credit to CodeToFun
🙋 Introduction
The xmlns
attribute in HTML stands for "XML Namespace" and is primarily used to declare namespaces in XML-based documents, including XHTML.
While HTML5 itself does not require XML namespaces, they are commonly used when integrating HTML with other XML-based languages like SVG and MathML.
🎯 Purpose of xmlns Attribute
The xmlns
attribute allows developers to define a namespace for elements and attributes within an HTML document. Namespaces help differentiate between elements and attributes with the same name but belonging to different vocabularies or languages.
💎 Values
The value of the xmlns
attribute is typically a URL that points to a document that defines the namespace. However, in HTML, the value is often a string that identifies the namespace, rather than a URL. For example:
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
🧠 How it Works
In this example, the xmlns
attribute is set to http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml, indicating that the document is written in XHTML.
📄 Implementation Example:
Let's see how the xmlns
attribute is used in an HTML document:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>Example Document</title>
<h1>This is a Heading</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
🧠 How it Works
In this example, the xmlns
attribute is declared in the <html> tag, specifying that the document is written in XHTML.
🔄 Dynamic Values with JavaScript
While the xmlns
attribute is typically static and defined in the HTML markup, it's possible to manipulate it dynamically using JavaScript. However, this is uncommon in practice, as namespaces are usually static and defined at the document level. Nonetheless, here's a basic example:
// Dynamically set the xmlns attribute for an element
document.getElementById("exampleElement").setAttribute("xmlns", "http://example.com/ns");
🧠 How it Works
In this script, the xmlns
attribute of an element with the id "exampleElement" is set to http://example.com/ns dynamically.
🏆 Best Practices
- Use the
attribute when integrating HTML with other XML-based languages like SVG or MathML. - Ensure that the value of the
attribute accurately identifies the namespace of the document. - Remember that HTML5 does not require XML namespaces for most scenarios, so use them only when necessary.
🎉 Conclusion
While the xmlns
attribute is not commonly used in traditional HTML documents, it plays a crucial role in integrating HTML with other XML-based languages.
Understanding how to use and implement namespaces can be valuable when working with complex web documents.
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